فارسی عربي

500 films archived at Fajr Int'l Filmfest Digital Library

Fajr International Film Festival’s Digital Library keeps 500 archived films, chronicling the Iranian cinema over the years.

Fajr International Film Festival’s Digital Library keeps 500 archived films, chronicling the Iranian cinema over the years.

The rest of Iranian films are under the process of being digitalized and added to the archive.

The Video Library is an archive of Iranian movies including long and short fictions, experimental, animation and documentary, as well as feature films produced in 2013-2018.

The films are available for distributors, filmmakers and international guests of the 36th edition of the festival.

Established in 1982, the FIFF celebrates cultural exchange, displays creative achievements of highly acclaimed cineastes and pays tribute to local and international films.

The festival came to an end on Thursday, April 26, 2018 in the Iranian capital of Tehran.

